Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spaghetti with Braised Kale and Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Delicately I balanced the plate on my swollen pregnant belly as I shoveled in mouthfuls of the delicious dinner before me. My husband was working late that night and so my friends, generously helping me out in my puffy tired state of being, came over to cook me dinner. Normally when I make a pasta dish, spaghetti in particular, I can't say that I am that creative. Usually I slather it with pesto sauce or the traditional marinara sauce that so commonly is coupled with spaghetti noodles. But that night, my friends opened my mind to a whole new spaghetti dish that is both rich and light all at the same time. It was an aromatic dish that depended solely on the other ingredients to add flavor to the pasta rather than a heavy sauce. And yet the creamy smooth texture of the melted goat cheese offered a depth of flavor that made this dish truly unique.

I never did ask for a written-out form of this recipe. It was nothing more than a verbal discussion of ingredients amongst friends. So below, I posted a recipe that is compiled from both memory and my own liberties. Hopefully this recipe will break the nasty preconceived notion that spaghetti is a dish made with stringing noodles, a tomato based sauce, and the occasional ball of seasoned meat. But rather, spaghetti is a type of pasta that can give birth to many wonderful culinary possibilities.

Spaghetti with Braised Kale and Oven Roasted Tomatoes

10-15 grape tomatoes, halved
4 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
2-3 cups braised kale, chopped (here is a link to the recipe:
Spaghetti, cooked
¼ cup olive oil, plus extra to drizzle on tomatoes
¼ cup herbed goat cheese
Freshly grated parmesan cheese

Set the oven to broil.

Arrange the grape tomato halves on a pan so that they are facing open side up. Drizzle with olive oil and crushed garlic. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Set in the oven and broil until they are slightly shriveled on the sides and juice is running out. About 10-15 minutes.

While the tomatoes are cooking, boil water and cook the spaghetti until soft. When done, drain out the water and mix in the ¼ cup of olive oil into the spaghetti until all the pasta is coated.

In a large bowl, combine the roasted tomatoes, braised kale, cooked spaghetti, and herbed goat cheese while all ingredients are hot. Continue to mix the ingredients as the herbed goat cheese melts, creating an even coat of cheese throughout the pasta.

Serve hot and top with freshly grated parmesan cheese.

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