Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kid's Week: Silly Sandwiches

When it comes to making food fun, sometimes all it takes it a little creativity with the presentation. Today's recipes are just a couple twists on the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The pictures mostly speak for themselves but I will still list the ingredients.

The first recipe is a PBB&J sandwich: peanut butter, banana, and jelly sandwich. The fun about this sandwich is that it falls under the category of what I call a "tasty fake." It looks like one thing, but it's something entirely different. In this case, the sandwich looks like a hot dog! I made one for my husband's lunch one day. When he took it to work, he confused several co-workers. It took them a moment to realize it wasn't a hot dog he was eating, but in fact a PBB&J sandwich!

PBB&J Sandwich

Peanut butter
Hot dog bun

This second sandwich is one of my childhood favorites. My mom came up with this concoction in regards to the love my brother and I had for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This sandwich is known as the "Turtle Ooze" sandwich. With it's fun green color and sweet taste, it stands as homage to our beloved childhood cartoon: the Ninja Turtles! If you have a Ninja Turtle fan in your house (or if you're secretly the one who still religiously clings to your favorite Raphael or Michelangelo action figure) than this sandwich is sure to bring a smile.

Turtle Ooze Sandwich

Peanut butter
Green food coloring

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